ZMailH Changes Document Changes from 1.16 to 1.20 ZMailH 1.16 to 1.20 - Removed delay at runtime from 1.16 code. Overall, an estimated 10% increase in speed was encountered during testing. - Raised heap limit from 99k to 250k. Added memory report with estimation of maximum number of areas supported. - Fixed bug which caused many messages crossing zones to "bounce" back to their source as duplicates. - Implemented swapping to EMS or to disk when shelling to archivers and/or de-archivers. Zmail will occupy no more than 4k of memory while in the shell. For systems without EMS, a new control file word, SWAPPATH, has been added. SWAPPATH will allow the user to specify a path (a ramdisk is recommended) for the swap file. Swap file size could approach 450k in size. - Implemented locking schemes for QuickBBS, Remote Access, and SuperBBS systems. To support different locking schemes, the following control file words were added: QUICKLOCK -- QuickBBS 2.75 (Gamma-2 or higher) RALOCK -- Remote Access (1.00 or higher) SBBSLOCK -- SuperBBS (1.12 Beta 12 or higher) - Fixed Zmail-produced date/time format to compliance with FTS-0001 requirements. - Fixed bug which caused all exported netmail to be marked as crash. - Fixed RA Netmail-reply bug. Imported messages will no longer have the local bit set. Matter of fact, it will specifically be turned OFF. - Fixed bug on export which was preventing SENT marking of exported messages. - Fixed bug which was causing corruption of messages in packets on FrontDoor systems during attempts to free disk space. - Established locking of the first byte of the signature file so that two copies of Zmail will not be allowed to run simultaneously. This is necessary to prevent corruption of the signature file. - Many system's failure to use the seconds field in the date/time stamp can lead to false dupe detection on messages where the To, From, and Subject lines are identical. This version, when exporting, puts a value into the seconds field to provide at least SOME uniqueness and prevent MOST such false dupe detections both on export and on future systems. ZMail 1.20 to 1.21 - Fixed minor but potentially serious bug involving file locking. Error in locking would cause some machines to hang at times. Now, ZMailH will lock byte 408 of MSGINFO.BBS to prevent other copies of Zmail from running. - Fixed some minor documentation errors in orderfrm.txt. ZMail 1.21 to 1.22 - Fixed bug involving bad date/time stamps which somehow escaped detection by beta testers. - Input better method for creating unique seconds field entries on ZMail exports from Hudson message bases. ZMail 1.22 to 1.23 - Fixed bug found by an end user which could lead to bad message numbing on import in a mutli-line environment. ZMail 1.23 to 1.24 - ZMail no longer marks imported messages as SENT. - ZMail no longer requires local bit be set for messages to export so long as the message export is part of an ECHOMAIL.BBS scan and NOT part of a full message base scan. When scanning the whole message base, the local bit is still required before ZMailH will export the message. - ZMail will accept ZMAILPATH as a replacement for the ZZYZXPATH control file word. - Enabled workaround for bug inherent to FrontDoor editors. FM (the FrontDoor Editor program) has a nasty habit of taking messages which are replied to (not just the replies, but the original messages) and setting the "Unmoved Outgoing Echomail" bit. This causes those messages to often be re-exported the next time ZMail does a full message base scan. ZMail now compensates through the use of the FDFIX control file word. ALL systems which use the FrontDoor editor should include the FDFIX control file word or else risk major duplicate message production!